Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Solstice and My Blog's Birthday!

Happy solstice, summer to my northern hemisphere friends and winter to my southern hemisphere friends!

I am celebrating the day in quite a few ways! (1) I made vegan french toast for breakfast, (2) I am doing my first photo an hour day today, and (3) I am going out to take photos with my best friend.

I hope everyone finds some time today to celebrate, especially outside.

I had not yet come up with a plan for what I wanted to do for my blog's first birthday (which is technically tomorrow, but I figured the solstice is a more fun birthday, especially since my actual birthday is on the equinox). It is safe to say that I have yet to get a hold on this whole preparing posts in advance thing, which is interesting because I generally can be classified as having a type A personality.

Anyway, I decided that for today I would come up with some goals I have for my blog within the next year. So here goes nothing!

  1. Take more outfit pictures - This one is self-explanatory. I don't take nearly as many outfit pictures as I would like, so much so that I am repeating a goal that I put on my 2013 goals.
  2. Start blogging about going green - The environment is one of my greatest passions in life, and I want to share that passion with my followers in hope to help everyone make more environmentally conscious decisions.
  3. Sell/get rid of my old clothes - This one I have already started by creating a Storenvy shop to sell my gently worn clothing in (check it out:, but I would like to actually see these clothes gone. I am trying to simplify my life.
  4. Get to know other bloggers better - I haven't really collaborated with other bloggers in the past, but I would like to change this. I'm always looking to make more friends.
  5. Communicate more with my followers - I rarely reply to comments (it always slips my mind), but I really want to get into the habit of doing this more frequently! Also, I want to get to know you all better because I think you all rock!
  6. Blog more about my life - Also self-explanatory. I enjoy doing wishlists and whatnot, but I also want to include more about things going on in the world around me.
  7. Host more giveaways - Everyone loves giveaways - they are the perfect way for me to give back to my deeply adored followers.

I hope you enjoyed my list - now go outside and enjoy your solstice! (And don't forget the supermoon on Sunday)


  1. Yay! Summer for mee!

  2. happy blog birthday! I hope you enjoy the solstice, too :)

  3. Thank you for commenting on my blog! Happy blog birthday sweetie!

    FashionEvELand | FEEL

  4. Happy blog anniversary, and happy summer solstice:) That's a great list of resolutions.

  5. Congrats on your blog's birthday! Those are great goals :)

  6. Those are some great goals! :) Yesterday I did go for a walk at the park. All weekend I plan to be outside hiking. I love this time of year. Have a great weekend!

  7. Happy blog birthday and good luck with your blogging goals!

  8. Happy birthday to your blog! That's a great list you have!
    I hope you had a magical Solstice! :)

  9. Happy blog birthday! I love your list, and a few of those reflect my own personal blog goals too. Since you're looking to "get to know other bloggers better", "communicate more with your followers" you may be happy to know I nominated you for the Liebster Award. I hope you'll pass it on!


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